CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2015
Land Use Map and Highlights for CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2015 are available below.
CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2031
CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2031 for Bangalore City is under preparation by Bangalore Development Authority (BDA). Master plan 2031 for Bangalore has undergone several revisions in past few years. The latest draft master plan is available for download below.
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CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2015
CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2031
You can download the revised draft bangalore master plan 2031 from here.
Check out the highlights of CDP bangalore master plan 2015 below. Once, the revised master plan 2031 for Bangalore in published, we will provide the highlights here.
Highlights – CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2015
Bangalore, officially known as Bengaluru, is the third largest city in India and is the center of India’s fifth-largest metropolitan area. Located in southern India on the Deccan Plateau, it is the capital of the southern Indian state of Karnataka. Bangalore is known as the “Silicon Valley of India” because of its role as the nation’s leading information technology (IT) exporter.
Located at a height of over 3,000 feet (914.4 m) above sea level, Bangalore is known for its pleasant climate throughout the year. Its elevation is the highest among the major large cities of India. The city is amongst the top ten preferred entrepreneurial locations in the world.
As one of the world’s fastest growing cities, Bangalore is experiencing a steady increase in population (3.25% annual growth rate). Its population is likely to be 10 million by 2021. The growth is spurred by the advantages conferred on the city by entrepreneurial and intellectual capacity incubated through a series of private and government actions. Besides, Bangalore enjoys a favorable climate, a high quality of life, a cosmopolitan ambience and social diversity.
The City has earned the titles of “IT Hub of Asia” and “Silicon Valley of India.” However, while the IT based formal sector accounts for 15% of its economy, the informal sector contributes 60-70%. With a gross domestic product (GDP) of US$83 billion, Bangalore is fourth among the top 15 cities contributing to India’s overall GDP.
Bangalore’s advantages places it on the threshold of the status of an International City. A concerted effort towards developing new functions, especially high value service sectors, upgrading the City’s Infrastructure including transport, public amenities and logistics, and provision of housing options within the larger natural environment will contribute to the City’s economic dynamism.
Background – CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2015
The first step towards planning for development in Bangalore was initiated with the Outline Development Plan (ODP), prepared by the Bangalore Development Committee. The Town and Country Planning Act, 1961, was enacted to enable preparation of development plans for settlements in Karnataka. Chronological events towards planning and development of Bangalore:
1952 – Bangalore Development Committee founded
1961 – Karnataka Town and Country Planning (KTCP) Act enacted
1963 – Outline Development Plan (ODP) submitted to Govt.
1965 – KTCP Act enforced
1972 – ODP approved and adopted under the KTCP Act 1961
1976 – BDA constituted
1984 – 1st CDP for 1985 approved
1995 – 2nd CDP for 2005 approved
2005 – 3rd CDP for 2015 prepared
Comprehensive Development Plan 2015 for Bangalore (CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2015), prepared under the KTCP Act, covers a Local Planning Area of 1306 sq. kms and consists of 387 villages, 7 City Municipal Councils (CMC) and 1 Town Municipal Council (TMC). It serves as the foundation for developing strategic plans and local area plans, and finally, designing neighbourhoods.
The Plan is powered by state-of-the-art technology consisting of an innovative and robust spatial data infrastructure at the metropolitan level. It comprises of a Geographical Information System (GIS), a Management Information System (MIS) and comprehensive data models enabling a plan that is up-to-date.
The Structure Plan – CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2015
The Structure Plan is based on the governing principle of “Structured Continuity.” This principle directs that development in existing urbanized areas and new extensions must be “structured” spatially and functionally to avoid unmanaged urban sprawl.
Existing urban patterns must be strengthened through urban renewal and proposed development must be “continued” by selective extension of already developed areas. This will avoid new developments in distant outskirts that are not serviced by infrastructure and transportation.

This plan envisions that development will be spatially organized in:
1. Five concentric belts:
- 1st Belt – The core area consisting of the historic Petta, the Administrative Centre and the Central Business District;
- 2nd Belt – Peri-central area with older planned residential areas surrounding the core area;
- 3rd Belt – Recent extensions (2003) of the City flanking both sides of the Outer Ring Road, a portion of which lacks services and infrastructure facilities and is termed as a shadow area;
- 4th Belt – New layouts with some vacant lots and agricultural lands; and
- 5th Belt – Green belt and agricultural area in the City’s outskirts including small villages.
2. Linearly along major radial roads (national/ state highways) where there is a concentration of industrial, services and logistics activities.
3. Centres within the City which have high density compact urban development with a concentration of mixed uses that will serve the surrounding residential areas.
The transportation strategy includes specific strategies for public and private transport infrastructure that will serve as an important tool to structure development.
Salient Features of CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2015
- Local Planning Area (LPA) or Bangalore Metropolitan Area (BMA) – 1306 sq. kms
- Area for development (conurbation area) – 786 sq. kms
- Green belt and agricultural areas – 455 sq. kms
- Projected population (for 2015 within BMA) – 8.84 million
Main Recommendations
- Maintain and strengthen the green belt to preserve the City’s natural assets and biodiversity. This includes:
- Catchment area of the Tippagondanahalli Reservoir;
- Ground water table; and
- State forests.
- Protect tanks and valley beds to:
- Preserve natural drainage and ecological balance;
- Prevent floods in low lying areas;
- Refill the ground water table; and
- Reduce dependence on Cauvery water.
- Accommodate around 8.8 million people (3.25% current annual growth rate) by allowing urban development to the extent of the proposed Peripheral Road.
- Promote a distinct Central Business District to enhance the image of Bangalore as an International City and make it the preferred destination for activities such as high-end offices and retail, and leading financial services.
- Upgrade and promote the historic core area, Petta, to strengthen its position as a centre for formal and informal economy.
- Promote urban renewal in the areas around the core area to provide good housing stock and to reduce the need to travel.
- Structure and focus development along the major radiating corridors to promote them as privileged destinations for office buildings, service activities, commercial complexes and high-end residential buildings.
- Redevelop dilapidated industrial lands and large-scale vacant properties through public-private partnerships.
- Recognize mixed land uses while maintaining existing housing stock to create more livable communities with reduced reliance on the automobile, and to minimize urban sprawl while optimizing available infrastructure.
- Promote logistic activities in areas with good accessibility by various modes of transportation such as rail, road and air to facilitate a synergy between the production functions, the services and transport sectors.
- Promote Hi-tech development by earmarking land for 375,000 new jobs related to IT, software, electronics, telecommunications and other emerging knowledge-based industries by the year 2015.
- Allocate land to encourage new small and medium scale industries that will diversify and strengthen the industrial base and enhance the state economy.
- Develop city scale Sub-Centers that serve as activity nodes.
- Develop transport interchange hubs with mixed-use activities at the junctions of main corridors, ring roads and railway lines to decentralize bus and railway stations by moving them out of the City centre.
- Facilitate an integrated system of transport that serves as a framework for new development as well as offers affordable choices for transport by:
- Developing a Mass Public Transport System (MPTS);
- Promoting a Commuting Railway System (CRS); and
- Promoting multi-articulated dedicated bus lanes along the main axes.
- Set up a road network to ensure proper connectivity of the underdeveloped areas in the outskirts of the City.
- Implement a new Core Ring Road along with the Intermediate Ring Road, Outer Ring Road and proposed Peripheral Road, to reduce traffic congestion
Land Use Zones and Zonal Regulations
The Land Use Zonal Regulations for the Bangalore Local Planning Area (LPA) are prepared under Clause (iii) of Sub-section (2) of Section 12 and 21 of the Karnataka Town and Country Planning (KTCP) Act.
The Land Use and Developmental Zones of CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2015 are organized under three categories.
I. Main Areas Category
The Main Areas Category consists of 16 zones each containing specific regulations and rules that apply to selected areas. The 16 zones are applied to five selected areas of the LPA based on their characteristics, urban pattern and development potential.
1. Old Urban Areas
- Petta Zone (Aa)
- Traditional Area Zone (Ab)
2. Urban Redevelopment Area
- G.Road Area Zone (Ba)
- CBD Zone (Bb)
- CBD Precinct Zone (Bc)
- Transformation/ Development Zone (Bd)
- Mutation Corridoe Zone (Be)
3. Residential Areas
- Residential Mixed Zone (Ca)
- Mainly Residential Zone (Cb)
- Commercial Axis Zone (Cc)
4. Industrial/ Activities Areas
- Industrial Zone (Da)
- High-Tech Zone (Db)
- Logistics Zone (Dc)
5. Green Areas
- Protected Land Zone (Ea)
- Restricted Development Zone (Eb)
- Agricultural Zone (Ec)
II. Specific Areas Category
Areas within the LPA which have specific land uses that are not included under the Main Areas Category come under the Specific Areas Category. Development within these areas requires coordination and consultation with the concerned Authority or government body in order to comply with the larger framework of the CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2015.
1. Large Public and Semi-Public Infrastructure
- Large Govt. owned complexes (GC)
- Education, research and development areas (E)
- Sports/ playgrounds (G)
- Health Care Institutions (H)
- Public Offices (O)
- Social, Cultural and religious institutions (S)
- Transport Areas (T)
- Other Infrastructure
2. Dedicated Land Uses
Parks and Green Space
- Parks (F)
- Cemetery/ Burial Grounds (C)
- Power Utilities (Z)
- Mutation Corridor Zone (Be)
- Water Facilities (W)
- Garbage Facilities (Y)
- Others (*)
- Unclassified Areas (N)
3. Large Transportation Structures
- Airport Areas (A)
- Railway Areas (R)
4. Coordinated Planning Scheme Areas
- Coordinated Planning Scheme Areas (CPS)
5. Heritage Conservation Areas
- Heritage Conservation Areas (V)
III. Constraint Areas Category
Constraint Areas Category covers areas within the LPA which have restrictions on development and specific criteria for development around and within them. The restrictions are commonly governed by specific Acts or regulations. They include:
1. Height Restriction Areas
- Height Restriction Zones
2. Right of Way (RoW) and Right of Utilities (RoU) Areas
- Non-buildable Zone
Salient features of the Land Use Zonal Regulations
Land use zones
- A Protected Lands Zone which includes lakes, valleys, tanks and national parks and forests is proposed to preserve natural areas.
- A Heritage Zone is introduced to protect and conserve built and Natural heritage.
- Planning schemes such as Coordinated Planning Schemes and Town Planning Schemes involving public private partnerships are introduced.
- A Hi-tech zone that permits industrial format non-polluting industries such as services industries, campus styled related Information Technology, Biotechnology etc, and self-contained facilities is proposed.
- Logistic/ transportation zones mainly comprising of cargo warehousing, loading and unloading platforms are proposed for efficient transportation.
- Disorganized traffic intersections and transport related areas are delineated as Transport and Utility Perimeters for micro level planning and design by concerned authorities.
- Areas deficient in infrastructure and connectivity are delineated as Area Improvement Perimeters for facilitating action by concerned authorities.
- Each zone has permissible main uses and ancillary uses.
- Depending on the zone, mixed land use is permitted subject to necessary conditions.
Zonal regulations
- Transfer of Development Rights and Premium Floor Area Ratio (FAR) is introduced.
- The FAR and Ground Coverage (GC) are in relation to the plot size and the road widths specific to each zone.
- For housing projects and non-residential development plans, the size of the plot dictates the FAR, GC and other regulations such as the relinquishment and allocation of amenities within private developments.
- Setbacks are prescribed as percentages in relation to site dimensions for buildings less than 15.0 m height.
- Joint form of buildings (with common walls) is permissible in old areas subject to necessary conditions.
- Tower and podium construction is permissible for plots greater than 5000 sq. m along MG Road.
- For more than one building on a given site, the setbacks between the two buildings are 1/3rd the height of the taller of the two.
- To facilitate scaled buildings the length of building is linked to the height of the building.
- Parking norms are relaxed in dense areas, where individual parking is not feasible through payment of fees. There is a focus on community parking provision.
- Parking under stilts and basement parking are not included for calculating the FAR.
- In case of land for residential sub-division smaller than 10000 sq. m, Civic Amenities (CA) and open spaces may be dispensed in lieu of a fee.
- Developable area within a given sub-division layout is enhanced to 55% of the total area.
- For every 5.0 acre of development, a 12.0 m road connecting the adjacent plot or as determined by the authority is made public access.
- Modification of CA percentage within sub-division plans is possible in case of easements, RoWs, etc.
- Parks and open spaces in the layouts are leased to the Associations for maintenance.