Dharuhera Master Plan 2021 has been prepared to provide regulations for development and building activity in the industrial town of Dharuhera in Haryana. It envisages a population of 2 lakhs by 2021 and accordingly 1900 hectares of land is provided under the proposed land use by 2021.
You can download the proposed land use maps from below. Check out the Summary of Dharuhera master plan 2021 below. To share your opinions and suggestions, please use the comments section at the end.
Download official Dharuhera Master Plan 2021 in Black & White, unofficial coloured version and government notification:
Summary of Dharuhera Master Plan 2021
Dharuhera, located on the junction of National Highway No. 8 and Palwal-Sohna-Rewari road at a distance of about 72 Kilometer from Delhi, is the fastest growing census town in the state of Haryana, India. Dharuhera comes under Delhi NCR region and it has fast developed into an industrial hub.
Dharuhera is the new growth corridor of Gurgaon and New Delhi. It is only an hour drive from the Indira Gandhi International Airport and 27km from Gurgaon. It connects Rajasthan to the capital New Delhi of India through the National Highway 8 (India).
Dharuhera was a sleepy village before 1975 and emerged on the industrial map of Haryana with the establishment of an Industrial Estate over an area of about 240 hectares. The village, earlier a part of industrially backward area declared by the Central Government, being nearest point to Delhi, became a magnet for the industrialists.
Observing this trend, the department of Town and Country Planning has declared the area around Industrial Estate, Dharuhera and Primary School village Kapriwas as controlled areas and prepared a development plan for the same to ensure its planned development.
At present, about 25 large and medium industrial units such as electronics, engineering, chemical, paper, electrical goods are operating in the area with an employment of more than 7000 workers. M/S Hero-Honda Motors, Pasupati Spinning and Weaving Mill, Western Electronics, Utility Engineers, Om Steel, East India Syntex, Orient carbons, Hyderabad Industries, Delton Cables, Glaxo Cables, Sidharth Papers, United Pharma, Mehra Gases etc. are among the important units functioning in the area.
Integrated Final Development Plan, Dharuhera for 2021 (Dharuhera Master Plan 2021) was notified on 28 Dec 2007.
As per census 2001, the population of Dharuhera town was 18,898; and the aggregate population of abadis falling within the urbanisable limits of Dharuhera Master Plan 2021, was 27,955 persons. Thus the aggregated population of 46,853 persons has been adopted as the base population for projecting the 2021 population for Dharuhera.
Keeping in view the huge development potential of the town, the decadal growth rate of population has been adopted as 100% in dharuhera master plan 2021.
Year | Existing / Projected Population at 100% decadal growth |
rate | |
2001 | 46,853 (as per census 2001) |
2011 | 93,706 |
2021 | 1,87,412 say 2 lakhs |
The town has accordingly been assigned a population of 2.0 lakhs persons by 2021 A.D. This population level will have to be achieved through concerted efforts towards integrated development of the town.
Besides industrial and residential development, wholesale distributive trade as envisaged in the N.C.R. Plan will have to be developed and common facilities like Central Electronic Telephone Exchange, Post and Telegraph Office etc. will have to be provided.
Keeping in view the optimum utilisation of land with limited resources and to provide sufficient greenery in the form of green belt and open spaces, the town has been proposed to be developed at an overall town density of 110 persons per hectare. The total area requirement to accommodate the assigned population of 2.0 lakhs persons at this density comes to about 1900 Hectares.
As per the planning proposals envisaged in the Dharuhera Master Plan 2021, an urbanisable area of about 1900 hectares is provided.
- Existing National Highway No. 8 and Palwal-Sohna-Rewari road i.e. outer grid road have been proposed as main arteries and hubs of future development.
- Developments already undertaken as per published plan have been accommodated in Dharuhera Master Plan 2021.
- To have smooth traffic V-2 roads have been proposed to avoid unwanted traffic in the interior of the town.
- Road network has been conceived in such a manner that traffic is fairly distributed through out the complex and traffic bottlenecks are eliminated.
- Alignment of Khurja-Palwal-Sohna-Rewari-Jhajjar railway line and V-2 road have been proposed in such a manner so that it may act as a physical barrier in the South of the town.
- Distribution and location of land uses has been fairly balanced and logically integrated.
- Location of district centres has been proposed keeping in view the segregation of future traffic and decongestion of roads.
- Wholesale trade, industrial and transport zones are well amalgamated with each other as well as with major arterial roads and railway line.
Keeping into consideration the proposed occupational structure, the following land uses have been proposed under master plan of dharuhera 2021.
Serial | Land Use | Area (Hectares) | Percentage Area |
Number | |||
1 | Residential | 725 | 37.85 |
2 | Commercial | 87 | 4.54 |
3 | Industrial | 626 | 32.69 |
4 | Transport and Communication including roads | 251 | 13.11 |
5 | Public Utilities | 37 | 1.93 |
6 | Public and Semi Public | 15 | 0.79 |
7 | Open Spaces and Green Belts | 174 | 9.09 |
Total | 1915 | 100% | |
The town will be developed as a major centre of industrial, trade and commercial activities. Therefore, keeping in view the economic conditions of the prospective, inhabitants of the town, medium and high density residential development has been proposed in the town under the master plan dharuhera – 2021.
An area of 725 hectares has been earmarked for residential use giving an average residential density of 300 persons per hectare. The concept of work-living space relationship has been kept in earmarking of residential area and high density sectors are proposed as industrial housing along Bhiwadi Industrial Estate of Rajasthan.
The entire residential area has been divided into 17 residential sectors. Each sector is proposed to be developed on the principle of neighborhood i.e. self sufficient so far as local infrastructure in the form of school, health centre, shopping centre etc. is concerned.
National Capital Regional Plan assigned the function of distributive wholesale trade particularly in building material to the town. A major part of working force has also been proposed to be employed in this sector.
Accordingly, an area of 87 hectares has been earmarked for commercial use in sector 2, 5-B and 20. Out of this about 56 hectares has been proposed for general commercial use in the form of district shopping centre conveniently located, so that these may serve the entire complex efficiently and eliminate unnecessary traffic movement.
About 31hectares of land has been earmarked for wholesale commercial use. The wholesale trade of food grains, vegetables / fruits, timber, hardware, building material, warehouses and godowns / cold storages etc. will be provided in this zone. The area for wholesale trade has been earmarked keeping in view the existing and proposed road and rail network.
Since the main function of the town is industrial and about 50 percent of the total work force (35000 workers) has been proposed to be employed in industries. For this purpose, an area of about 626 hectares has been earmarked for industrial use.
The existing industrial estate and industrial area permitted in published draft development plan has also been incorporated in the plan. Since the existing industrial estate and industrial area, permitted as per the published Draft Development Plan is located on the National Highway No. 8. Only non-polluting industries have been proposed in Dharuhera as the residential area has to be earmarked in the windward direction.
For the smooth functioning of industrial and commercial activities, which are the main functions of the town, an efficient system of transportation and road network is necessary.
Therefore, an area of 251 hectares has been proposed for this use. Care has been taken to minimize the punctures on major roads. National Highway No. 8 and Palwal-Sohna-Rewari roads have been proposed to be connected through 75 meters, 60 meters and 45 meters semi circular roads. Under Dharuhera master plan 2021, the right way of major roads has been proposed as under:-
Serial | Status of Road | Right of Way |
No. | ||
1 | Arterial V-I(a) | Existing width with 60/50 meters green belts on both sides |
2 | Arterial V-I(b) | Existing width with 45 meters green belts on both sides |
3 | Sub Arterial V-2 | 60 meters width excluding green belt. |
4 | Sub Arterial V-2(a) | 75 meters width excluding green belt. |
5 | Major Sector Roads V-3 | 45 meters |
6 | Existing Roads V-E | Existing Width |
An area of about 14 hectares has been proposed for truck parking, transport depots etc. on National Highway No. 8. There is also proposal of bye pass to Palwal-Sohna-Rewari road between industrial area and wholesale commercial area so that it may efficiently function and serve both the areas without creating traffic problems. Another 38.5 hectares have been proposed in the sector no. 18.
As main functions of the town will be industrial and commercial and other services, it will require uninterrupted supply of electricity, reliable and adequate water supply system, efficient sewerage and storm water disposal system. Keeping these requirements in view, an area of about 37 hectares has been earmarked for public utilities.
The site for sewerage disposal treatment plant and for solid waste has been provided in the agriculture zone at suitable location on the south of proposed Rewari-Palwal railway line and on the east of proposed industrial sector17 on village link road between National Highway No. 8 and Ghatal Mahniawas respectively.
As per the National Capital Regional Plan, the offices of the Government and public sector undertakings are proposed to be located in priority towns. Dharuhera, being located on National Highway No. 8 and with a maximum traveling distance of about 1½ hours from Delhi, provides most ideal location among priority towns for locating the offices of public sector undertakings.
It is hoped that sincere efforts to shift the offices at Dharuhera will be made. Besides, educational institutions including technical once will also have to be provided. Keeping these requirements in view, an area of about 15 hectares has been earmarked for public and semi public uses in dharuhera master plan of 2021.
The town has been proposed to be developed at an average residential density of 300 persons per hectare. Provision of adequate green spaces is necessary to maintain pollution free environment. Need for sufficient open spaces have further been necessitated by the industrial character of the town.
In addition, 60 meters and 45 meters wide green belt is provided along National Highway and State Highway respectively. An area of about 165 hectares, including the area under Tourist Complex has been provided under this use in the development plan, which constitutes about 8.68% of the total urbanisable area.
Town Park with an area of 45 hectares has been provided in the integrated Final Development Plan in sector 7-A which is ideally located for practical consideration. Besides this, adequate open space in the form of neighborhood and sector park, will also be provided at the time of preparation of sector layout plans.
Agriculture Zone
The rest of the Controlled Area i.e. Controlled Area except urbanisable area has been designated as agricultural zone. This zone, however, will not eliminate the essential building construction and development within this area such as extension of existing village contiguous to Abadi-deh if undertaken as a project approved or sponsored by the Government for other ancillary and allied facilities, necessary for maintenance and improvement of agriculture area.